North Bloomfield Mining and Gravel Company

Company Name : North Bloomfield Mining and Gravel Company
Category : Public
Industry : gold-mining
Founded : 1866
Headquarters : California
Product : Gold Products
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Facebook Url : Not Mentioned
Twitter Url : Not Mentioned
Address : Not Mentioned

Company Description

The North Bloomfield Mining and Gravel Company of North Bloomfield, California, was established in 1866 and operated a hydraulic gold-mining operation at the Malakoff Mine subsequent to the California Gold Rush. In its day, no other companys operations matched North Bloomfield Mining and Gravel Company in size or expense.

North Bloomfield Mining and Gravel Company is a historical mining and gravel extraction business that operated in Nevada County, California from 1866 to 1976. Founded by Thomas Bloomfield, the company was a major producer of gravel and other materials used in the construction of roads and buildings in the region. The company was also involved in hydraulic mining, which is a method of extracting gold from gravel beds.

The company was located in a region known as the "Mother Lode" of California, and it was the first mining company in the area. It was responsible for the construction of several large dams, including the Bloomfield, Malakoff, and North Bloomfield dams, which were used to control flooding and to power the company's operations.

The company was a major employer in the area, and it was responsible for the construction of several buildings, including a school, a church, and a post office. It also provided housing for its workers, as well as a store and other services. The company's operations left a lasting legacy in the region. Many of the roads and buildings that were constructed with the company's gravel are still in use today. The company's dams are still used to control flooding in the region, and the company's legacy is still evident in the area.

The company's operations were eventually shut down in 1976 due to environmental concerns. However, its legacy continues to live on in the region. The company's dams are still used to control flooding, and its gravel is still used in construction projects. The company's buildings and other structures are still standing, and its legacy can still be seen in the area. In addition, the company's name is still used in the area, and its history is still remembered by many.

Company Location


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