

All the series of 15 consecutive chemical elements in the periodic table from actinium to lawrencium it's atomic numbers is from 89 - 103. Every radioactive heavy metals; and it's first four elements like actinium, thorium, protactinium, and uranium occur in nature in significant quantities. The rest 11 the trans uranium elements are unstable and are produced only artificially. Actinides are transition elements, so their atoms have a related configurations and related physical and chemical behavior; the most usual valences are 3 and 4.



Actinides posses the common properties like all are radioactive and highly electropositive. These metals stain readily in air. Actinides are very thick metals with distinctive structures also several allotropes may be formed in plutonium which has at least 6 allotropes. Actinides also react with boiling water else dilute acid to release the hydrogen gas and it combines directly with all nonmetals.