Home Mining Equipments Blast Hole

Blast Hole
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Raising the bar for drilling productivity, heavy-duty and proven P&H surface drills are available for hard and soft rock applications, with rated pull-down.A blast hole is an excavation created in the ground for the purpose of extracting ore or other valuable materials. It is created by drilling a hole into the ground with a drill bit, then filling it with explosives. The explosives are detonated, creating a large cavity in the ground. This cavity is then used to extract ore or other materials. The size of the blast hole depends on the size of the ore body and the type of material being extracted.

The drill bit used to create the blast hole is usually a rotary drill bit, which is a large, heavy-duty drill bit that is designed to drill through hard rock. The drill bit is rotated at high speeds, using either compressed air or water to create the hole. The size of the hole is determined by the drill bit size and the pressure of the air or water used.

The explosives used to create the blast hole are typically a combination of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, or ANFO. The ANFO is placed in the hole in layers and detonated with a detonator or blasting cap. The detonation creates a large cavity in the ground, which is then used to extract ore or other materials.

The blast hole is typically lined with steel casing, which helps to prevent the walls of the hole from collapsing. The casing also helps to reduce the amount of dust and debris that is created by the blast. Blast holes are an important part of the mining process, as they provide access to ore and other materials that would otherwise be inaccessible. They help to reduce the time and money spent on the mining process, and allow ore to be extracted more quickly and efficiently.