Arktikugol Mining Company

Company Name : Arktikugol Mining Company
Category : State owned
Industry : Mining
Founded : 1931
Headquarters : Moscow
Product : Coal
Website :
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Facebook Url : Not Mentioned
Twitter Url : Not Mentioned
Address : Barentsburg, Svalbard,

Company Description

Though coal is still mined, it is not frequently exported, and the company is heavily subsidised by the Government of Russia. The company formerly also operated the coal mine at Pyramiden on Svalbard.

The Arktikugol Mining Company is a Russian coal mining company based in the Russian Arctic. Founded in 1935, Arktikugol is the largest coal producer in Russia and is one of the leading producers of coal in the world. The company operates several mines in the Komi Republic, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and the Murmansk Oblast, and has a total production capacity of over 50 million tons of coal per year.

The company’s primary focus is on the extraction of coking coal, which is used for steel production, and thermal coal, which is used for electricity generation. In addition, the company also produces lignite, a type of coal used for industrial purposes. The company is also involved in the production of oil, gas, and other minerals.

The company’s operations are conducted in a safe and responsible manner, with a focus on environmental protection, safety, and health. The company has implemented a number of measures to reduce its environmental impact, including the installation of dust suppression systems and the use of advanced technologies to reduce emissions.

Arktikugol also works closely with local communities to ensure that their operations are beneficial to the region, providing employment opportunities and infrastructure development. The company also works with local governments to ensure that their operations are in line with local laws and regulations.

In addition to its mining operations, Arktikugol is also involved in the construction of roads, ports, and other infrastructure projects in the region. The company is also involved in the development of renewable energy projects and the promotion of energy efficiency.

Overall, Arktikugol is an important player in the Russian coal mining industry and is committed to providing safe and responsible operations. The company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental protection has made it a leader in the industry and a model for other coal mining companies.

Company Location


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