Ten Most Precious Metals

The value of metals is determined by various factors, including rarity, industrial usage, and investment demand. Here are ten of the most precious metals that are mined:

Gold: Gold has been highly valued throughout history for its beauty and rarity. It is used in jewelry, electronics, and as an investment.

Platinum: Platinum is a dense, malleable metal with a wide range of industrial applications, including in catalytic converters and electronics. It is also used in jewelry and as an investment.

Palladium: Similar to platinum, palladium is used in automotive catalytic converters, electronics, and dentistry. It has become increasingly valuable due to its industrial demand.

Rhodium: Rhodium is a rare metal used in catalytic converters, jewelry, and as a reflective coating for mirrors and optical instruments.

Iridium: Iridium is one of the densest metals and is used in spark plugs, crucibles for high-temperature applications, and electrodes.

Ruthenium: Ruthenium is used in electronics, as a catalyst in chemical reactions, and in some alloys.

Osmium: Osmium is a dense, hard metal used in fountain pen tips, electrical contacts, and as a catalyst in some chemical reactions.

Silver: Silver has a wide range of uses, including in jewelry, silverware, electronics, and photography. It is also used as an investment.

Rhenium: Rhenium is used in high-temperature super alloys for jet engines, in catalysts for the petrochemical industry, and in electrical contacts.

Indium: Indium is used in the production of LCD screens, solders, and some alloys. Its demand has increased with the growth of the electronics industry.

The prices and rankings of these metals can vary over time due to changes in supply, demand, and market conditions.