gold mining

Gold stock sentiment neutral :

The stock market is a complex and ever-changing environment, with sentiment often playing a major role in determining the success or failure of an investment. When it comes to investing in gold, sentiment can be an important factor, as investors often look to the precious metal as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty….

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Mineral mining

USA Rare Earth to produce nearly half of critical minerals in USGS’ updated list :

US Rare Earth and its joint venture partner, Australia’s Lynas Corporation, have announced their plans to produce almost half of the critical minerals identified by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in its recently released list of 35 critical minerals. The two companies plan to build a processing facility in Texas to manufacture a range…

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metal mining

Gold is the Rodney Dangerfield of metals :

Gold is a precious metal that has been recognized for its value since ancient times. It has been used as money, as a medium of exchange, and as a store of value. But despite its long history and its many uses, gold often gets overlooked or “no respect” in comparison to other metals. This is…

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